Friday, February 20, 2015

Great Dungeon

Making a great dungeon takes a lot of work and time.  The best way is to get an idea from something you already like and then just add a few new things for your own flavor.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Keeping track of time in a game can be a little tricky.  One way to do it is to make a grid.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Building A World

Building an exciting D&D world can take a lot of time.  One good way to start from is to take a game or movie, like Skyrim, and then copy the ideas that appeal to you the most.  This way you aren't doing all of the thinking on your own, and it gives the players a framework to work from.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Favorite Character Class?

So now that the 5th edition rules are out, what is your favorite among the character classes?  Although not a lot has changed in terms of class names, tons of things have changed for their abilities and level progressions in D&D Next.  So which is your favorite?

Monday, February 9, 2015

Great Ways to Earn Extra Income

Pay Per Click is nothing new - it has been around since the days of Excite and Webcrawler, but now there are tons of companies to choose from and each has its own positives and negatives.  After working with several, there are the ones that I have decided to stick with:



Okay, so you aren't going to make tons of money.  In fact, without lots of referrals you are going to need to click a lot just to reach a couple of dollars, but with referrals these can become a source of income.

Or, if you prefer, you can try a business from home.  This, of course takes more work, but like anything else, if you stick with it you will definitely win in the long run.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Where do Dragons Come From

So, where does the whole idea of dragons originate anyway?  Just about every culture on the planet has stories, myths, or legends about dragons, but why?  Is it just leftover ideas of dinosaurs, or something else?

Obviously there aren't dragons out there, but why then do we get this consistent image of a monster, usually flying, usually lizard-like that has the power to sweep in and destroy entire villages, cities, or even countries?

5th Edition D&D

Okay, so after all the hype of D&D 5th edition coming out, is it really any better/different than 4th edition?

My first impressions are that it is a lot simpler - fewer abilities to keep track of, fewer combat conditions, just less of stuff that made the game complicated.  On the other hand there was a lot of flexibility in 3.5 that I miss.  So, in the end, I don't know if 5th edition has what it takes to really make a stay of it.

It will be really sad if D&D doesn't hold on up against other RPG's.  I guess it depends on how much players favor simplicity over flexibility.